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Ukraine: Children in homes and orphanages must not be forgotten, warns …

Save the Children Deutschland e.V.

Berlin/Kyiv (ots)

As the war rages on, around 100,000 children living in homes and orphanages in Ukraine are at risk of being left behind, child rights organization Save the Children has warned.

Around 1.3 percent of all children in Ukraine are placed in an institution – one of the highest rates in Europe. Many are currently stuck there, unable to escape danger as more cities and civilian infrastructure are attacked, including an orphanage on February 25.

“Children in institutional care must not be forgotten,” demands Irina Saghoyan, Save the Children’s Eastern Europe director. “We are very concerned for them, especially those with disabilities. As in any war, children without caregivers are at increased risk of trafficking, abuse and other forms of exploitation. While many have surviving relatives who would be able to to care for them, but in the current situation we fear that these children will be left behind.”

Save the Children calls on governments and organizations to take action to protect children in Ukraine. This includes ensuring that uncared for girls and boys have access to safe transport and shelter, as well as protection, health care and psychosocial support. For this and for the search for family members, it is crucial that the responsible authorities and possible relatives are involved.

Save the Children works with other stakeholders to establish family tracing procedures, child protection systems and reporting mechanisms. Children are to be reunited with relatives and friends in Ukraine, Poland and other neighboring countries.

The organization has been operating in Ukraine since 2014, providing humanitarian aid to children and their families. These include access to education, the distribution of winter and hygiene packages, and cash assistance. The experts from Save the Children also support the young people in overcoming the psychological effects of their conflict and violence experiences and in improving their resilience.

This is what Save the Children is doing now:

  • Save the Children staff and volunteers are distributing food, water and hygiene kits to internally displaced people in Ukraine and refugees at the Romanian-Ukrainian border and in reception centers.
  • In Poland and Romania, Save the Children provides child protection services, including targeted support for unaccompanied or separated children. The organization provides psychosocial support and access to legal services.
  • Save the Children works with refugee and migrant children inside and outside of Europe to support this particularly vulnerable group.
  • The organization urges individuals not to seek private adoption as such services are unregulated. The best place for a child in an emergency is in their family and community.

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Save the Children Bank for Social Economy

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Über Save the Children:

In the post-war year of 1919, British social reformer Eglantyne Jebb founded Save the Children to save children in Germany and Austria from starvation. Today, what is now the largest independent children’s rights organization in the world is active in around 120 countries. Save the Children works for children in wars, conflicts and disasters. For a world that respects children’s rights. A world in which all children can live healthy and safe and grow up and learn freely and independently – for over 100 years.

Press contact:

Save the Children Deutschland e.V.
Press Office – Silke Zorn
Tel.: +49 (0)30 – 27 59 59 79 – 232
Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Save the Children Deutschland eV, transmitted by news aktuell

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