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Ukraine apologizes to Japan over Emperor Hirohito’s video

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Government Ukraine apologize to Japan the impact of spreading a video juxtaposing Japan’s Emperor Hirohito with two fascist figures Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

The video was published to describe Nazism and Fascism as Ukraine condemned the Russian invasion.

“We have no intention of offending the good Japanese people,” a statement on the Ukrainian government’s Twitter account said on Sunday (24/4).

As reported Kyodo News, the Ukrainian government had released a video criticizing the Russian invasion on April 1 on Twitter. Ukraine posted a photo of the three figures in their video with the description “fascism and nazism defeated in 1945.”

The video was later criticized by Japanese Twitter users.

Afterwards, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Japan, Sergiy Korsunsky apologized in a Twitter statement on Monday (25/4). Korsunsky said the creators of the video still don’t understand history.

Meanwhile, the Japanese government has requested the removal of the photo of Emperor Hirohito in the video via diplomatic media.

“It’s unnecessary and very unfortunate,” said Yoshihiko Isozaki, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, when commenting on the use of the emperor’s photo.

Isozaki also said that the request for deletion of the photo had been fulfilled by the Ukrainian side.

In addition, he emphasized that Japan’s support for Ukraine remains unchanged.

Japan itself is one of the countries that supported Ukraine in the face of the Russian invasion.

Japan provided a loan of US $ 300 million (Rp 4.3 trillion) to Ukraine. The country is also supplying gas masks and hosting refugees from Ukraine.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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[Gambas:Video CNN]

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