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Ukraine also needs offensive weapons, the minister said

Ukraine wants to receive not only defense but also offensive weapons from Western partners, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov confirmed on Sunday (pictured are Ukrainian reservists in training).

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Kiev needs such help, given the “real Russia “After a meeting with Danish Defense Minister Trine Bramsen, the minister said that he meant not only defense but also offensive weapons.”

“If they realize that the price of this attack, the aggression, will be disproportionate to them, they will not bother,” the minister added. “We need radio-electronic combat, radio-electronic intelligence, anti-missile assemblies, we need to strengthen our fleet. We name all these needs in public, we do not hide, and then the aggressor will not go any further,” Reznikov explained.

Kiev and Washington say Russia has concentrated an army of about 100,000 men on Ukraine’s borders, expressing concern that Moscow is planning a new invasion of Ukraine. ASV and Western countries believe that Russia could prepare for an attack on Ukraine and therefore concentrated about 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border.

Russia denies allegations of a possible invasion of Ukraine by its troops. According to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Moscow occupies a defensive position due to fears that Kiev will be too close to NATO.

U.S. President Joe Biden warned Putin at a video summit last week that the United States would impose unprecedented sanctions on Russia if it attacked Ukraine.

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