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Ukamau commemorates the Day of National Dignity with a massive event at the Central Station

Lectures: 93

In the midst of heavy rain, more than 1,000 residents of Estación Central gathered on July 11 at the corner of General Velásquez and Alameda to celebrate National Dignity Day. Under the motto “The Dignity of a People: From the Nationalization of Copper to Housing for All”, this meeting highlighted the importance of social solidarity and the crucial role of housing in national dignity. The call, led by the Ukamau organization, included the participation of various left-wing and progressive political forces in the commune.

During the event, Victoria Herrera, national spokesperson for Ukamau, reaffirmed the organization’s commitment to dignity and social justice. In her speech, she placed special emphasis on the government’s Housing Emergency Plan, which they consider an important achievement after years of mobilization, work and struggle around housing and the city. Herrera urged unity and mobilization in defense of the rights of the majority, calling on each person present to join and raise their voices against the selfish interests of a few.

The Ukamau spokeswoman concluded her speech by calling for collective progress and the construction of a country where dignity and justice are the fundamental pillars. In this regard, she highlighted the importance of listening to the voices of the community and working together to overcome the challenges facing society and the country as a whole.

The event was attended by representatives of all the leftist and progressive political forces of the Estación Central commune, who expressed words of support and admiration for the residents present. The strength and unity shown on this occasion was highlighted, highlighting the importance of continuing to fight for the rights and needs of the majority.

The commemoration of National Dignity Day at Estación Central was a massive event that brought together more than 1,000 residents under the slogan “The Dignity of a People: From the Nationalization of Copper to Housing for All.” The importance of social solidarity and housing as pillars of national dignity was highlighted in the speeches of the leaders present, who called for unity, mobilization and defense of the rights of the majority.

The participation of various leftist and progressive political forces demonstrated the importance of joining efforts to build a fairer and more dignified country. This event represents a milestone in the fight for social justice and equity, and is a reminder that the road to a better country is built with the active participation of citizens and commitment to the needs of the majority.

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