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UK warns of rising threat of nuclear war

Photo: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Launch of the Russian strategic missile Sarmat

Deteriorating communications with China and Russia created a higher risk of “imminently escalating to a strategic conflict.”

In the UK, it is believed that the collective West risks entering into a nuclear conflict with China or Russia due to a breakdown in communication with the two countries. This was stated by British National Security Adviser Stephen Lovegrove during a speech in Washington, reports European truth.

Lovegrove believes that the erosion of shady channels of communication has increased the likelihood of an accidental escalation into war.

In his opinion, the deterioration of communication with China and Russia has created a higher risk of “imminent escalation to a strategic conflict.”

“The two monolithic blocs of the Cold War era – the USSR and NATO – although not without disturbing blows – were able to achieve a common understanding of the doctrine, which is absent today. The doctrine is not transparent in Moscow and Beijing, not to mention Pyongyang or Tehran,” he said.

“During the Cold War, we benefited from a series of negotiations and dialogues that improved our understanding of Soviet doctrine and capabilities, and vice versa. This gave us both a higher level of confidence that we would not miscalculate in a nuclear war,” the national security adviser added.

“Today, we do not have the same foundations as others who may threaten us in the future, in particular with China. Here, the UK strongly supports President Biden’s proposed negotiations with China as an important step,” Lovegrove said.

At the same time, he praised the White House’s decision to resume cooperation with China, but emphasized the risks of technological progress.

“We have clear concerns about China’s nuclear modernization program, which will increase both the number and types of nuclear weapons systems in its arsenal,” he said.

Despite the heightened risks, Lovegrove said much of the existing security architecture remains “vital,” such as the chemical weapons convention and the biological and toxin weapons convention, as well as the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. However, he added that the reality is that “modern structures alone will not ensure that we need a modern arms control system.”

Regarding the war in Ukraine, the former permanent secretary of the Ministry of Defense said: “We recently passed the grim milestone of 150 days since Putin launched this unprovoked, illegal war, bringing untold suffering to the innocent people of Ukraine.”

“I fear that the conflict fits a pattern of deliberate and reckless Russian action aimed at undermining the global security architecture. It is a pattern that includes the illegal annexation of Crimea, the use of chemical and radiological weapons in the UK and repeated violations that led to the collapse of the Intermediate Missile Treaty and shorter range,” said Lovegrove.

He also added that the international community will continue to hold Russia accountable for its destabilizing actions.

Earlier in the OP it was reported that Putin is discussing a nuclear strike on Ukraine.

For New Yorkers created a “nuclear instruction”

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