Home » today » World » UK wants to end quarantine for infected contacts. Daily tests are the alternative – Executive Digest

UK wants to end quarantine for infected contacts. Daily tests are the alternative – Executive Digest

The UK is considering ending the mandatory 14-day quarantine period for those who have had contact with an infected with Covid-19, replacing it with a daily testing plan for those same contacts, to ensure they have not contracted the virus. , advances the BBC.

According to the same publication, tests will be offered to the people in question every day for a period of one week. The British government stipulates that if the result is negative, contacts do not need to isolate themselves, they only do so if they test positive.

Currently, those who are in contact with a positive person with Covid-19, have to self-isolate for 14 days. But, according to the new government plan, people will have the opportunity to test daily, and as long as it’s negative, they can have a normal life.

The daily testing strategy will be implemented primarily in Liverpool, according to the government. “The plan, if all goes well, is to distribute it to the NHS (British Service and Health) and the social assistance team next month and then to extend it to the whole country as of January,” explained the Minister of Health, Matt Hancock.

Meanwhile, the government has also promised, according to the same publication, that all residents of nursing homes will be able to embrace their families again in 2021, under this testing system.

According to the current strategy, each resident of a home will be entitled to up to two visits, which will be tested twice a week, according to the government. The test for visits to nursing homes is already being implemented in 20 institutions in Hampshire, Devon and Cornwall. Next month, the plan will become national.

On Sunday night, the UK government made several announcements about the tests, including that mass testing will start to be implemented in all areas of level three risk, which is, according to the Government, the alert level higher.

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