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UK Pro-EU Protest Sees Decreased Turnout Amidst Political Party Congresses

This year’s event seems to have brought together fewer people than last year, when thousands of people participated, and coincides with the start of the season for political party congresses ahead of next year’s elections.

More than 1,000 people took to the streets in London in the second National March for Reintegration. Waving European Union flags, protesters urged the country to return to the EU bloc with slogans such as: “Brexit was never going to work” y “Tories out, back to the EU”.


This year’s event seems to have brought together fewer people than last year, when thousands of people participated.

On the same day that the season of political party congresses opens, before the elections scheduled for next year in the United Kingdom, protesters have asked that the country’s return to the European Union be included on the agenda.

2023-09-23 14:41:16
#National #March #Rejoining #London

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