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UK, AstraZeneca vaccination starts on the 4th… “Easy storage and easy vaccination”

AstraZeneca vaccine. [AFP=연합뉴스]

– The AstraZeneca vaccine, pre-purchased by the Korean government, will be vaccinated for the first time in the UK. According to Sky News in the UK on the 3rd (local time), the UK will begin vaccinating AstraZeneca at major hospitals and GP hospitals from the 4th. The initial volume is 530,000 batches. It has already been transported to hospitals nationwide.

First, after starting the vaccination at a large hospital, AstraZeneca vaccination is given in hundreds of places within a few days. According to the National Health Service (NHS) England, vaccines are currently available in 700 hospitals.

Earlier, the UK government issued guidelines to extend the vaccination interval to 12 weeks ahead of the start of AstraZeneca vaccination. Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines, which have been approved in the UK so far, are required to receive a second dose after three to four weeks after each first dose. This policy of the British government has a strong character of incubation to increase the number of primary vaccinations.

According to the BBC, the first Pfizer vaccine approved in the UK has been given the first dose of 94,4539 people to date. In addition, it is expected to increase the speed by approving an additional AstraZeneca vaccine within a month. Pfizer vaccine must be stored and stored at a cryogenic temperature of -70 degrees Celsius, but AstraZeneca vaccine can be stored at normal refrigerator temperatures, making transportation, storage and vaccination easier.

“We expect hundreds of employees to receive the vaccine per day,” said Dr. George Findley of Princess Royal Hospital, who received the AstraZeneca vaccine on the 2nd. He added, “I don’t know how many employees have suffered or lost their lives from Corona 19 in the last 10 months.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, “I know that challenges still lie ahead for us in the coming weeks and months, but this year we are confident that we will begin to fight the coronavirus and start building a better country.”

Reporter Jeong Eun-hye [email protected]

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