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UI Chancellor Visits Siloam Hospital, Here’s Ade Armando’s Current Condition


The Chancellor of the University of Indonesia (UI) Ari Kuncoro visited Ade Armando who was treated for being beaten up during the April 11 demonstrations. Ade Armando suffered bleeding in the brain.

From the photo received by detik.com, it can be seen that Ade Armando is still lying weakly in a hospital bed. It looks like his hand is still attached to the IV tube.

Besides that, Ade’s face is still bruised. Even Ade’s eyes were swollen.

UI Chancellor Ari Kuncoro was seen wearing a green batik. He was accompanied by two other people to visit Ade Armando.

Confirmed separately, Ade Armando’s friend Nong Darol Mahmada confirmed this. He said Ari Kuncoro came with the other UI Wartors.

“Yes, the UI Chancellor was there with the wartors,” said Nong when confirmed, Tuesday (12/4/2022).

Nong said Ade Armando was still being treated in the HCU. He is still under the close supervision of doctors.

“The condition is still in the HCU because it is still under the supervision of a doctor and everything is still being monitored,” said Nong.

“For the condition is still like this morning there has been no change,” he continued.

Ade Armando became a victim of the April 11 demonstration beating at the DPR yesterday and was rushed to the Siloam RD, South Jakarta. Ade Armando has now been transferred to the HCU room at Siloam Hospital, South Jakarta (South Jakarta).

“Earlier at 10 or 11 pm, he was transferred to the HCU. So no one can visit except the closest family,” said Ade Armando’s best friend, Nong Darol Mahmada, when met at Siloam Hospital, Tuesday (12/4).

Nong explained that the RI Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) and UI figures stated that they wanted to visit his friend. However, until now Nong said that Ade Armando could not be visited.

“Many, many. From the Wantimpres, from everywhere. Community leaders, UI professors. UI professors have also asked whether they can be seen or not. I just said that I couldn’t see it,” he said.

Watch the video ‘Belur Battered, Ade Armando Will Have a CT Scan’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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