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Uff, what was that? Fans are afraid of the legend, she almost fell asleep during the interview

It was supposed to be the promotion of a sensational comeback by one of the best boxers of all time, but in the end the reality spread more horror and concern to the fans. Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson spoke about his match against Roy Jones Jr., scheduled for November 28, at a distance in a live interview on ITV’s Good Morning Britain. And the way the legendary fighter expressed himself was very embarrassing.

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The interview with the 54-year-old veteran, who responded from Los Angeles, was conducted by the experienced moderator duo Pers Morgan and Susann Reid, and they were obviously surprised by Tyson’s behavior several times.

The boxer looked very tired, and even speaking seemed to cause him great trouble. He seemed to have trouble keeping his eyes open at all, and at one point his head dropped to his palms.

He spoke very slowly and sometimes confused. Asked what he thought of his opponent, 51-year-old Jones, he said, “I don’t care what he says about me. I’m ready to fight on Saturday, November 28.”

Fifties Tyson and Jones will not box until the end of November

When Reid asked him, he was not afraid to return to the ring at his age, so he responded: “I think it’s very great that we can fight together. We should have played against each other a long time ago, but unfortunately this has only happened now. I think it will be great. “

Tyson’s strange appearance quickly provoked strong reactions on social sides on both sides of the Atlantic. Many fans did not hide their concerns about the boxer’s physical and mental health. Others only hoped that the legend was only currently tired or indisposed.

There were also those who linked his behavior to Tyson’s recent admission that he smokes marijuana a month for a million crowns.

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