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UFC-Que Choisir Thionvilloise Branch: Achievements and Future Goals for Consumers

This Thursday, April 27 takes place the general assembly of the Thionvilloise branch of the UFC-Que Choisir, what is your assessment of the past year?

Marie-Odile SCHLOSSER, president “The balance sheet is good. We recruited, trained and integrated new volunteers, which was not won. The UFC-Que Choisir is made up of 26 people who run our office on a daily basis and are at the service of nearly 800 members. In 2022, we opened 179 disputes. 69 files were won, we notably obtained the cancellation of a real estate sale and that of a motorhome and this, among the most emblematic cases that we had to defend. »

What are the types of files on which the UFC-Que Choisir has invested the most in 2022?

“We had a lot of requests concerning energy bills: cancellations, contract changes, disputes. Phones too. We are dealing with more and more cases related to purchases on the Internet, mainly computer equipment which is either never delivered, or arrives in poor condition, or which does not comply with the order. »

What goals have you set for 2023?

“We want to get out of our walls and reach out more to consumers by responding to requests from other associations or by organizing meetings and conferences. The idea is to create bridges, active partnerships. »

UFC-Que Choisir, 2, rue d’Austrasie. Office hours by appointment only, Monday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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