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Udrea, Ponta, Tăriceanu, Gabriel Oprea

UPDATE: The Supreme Court has been set up. Here is their composition:

Criminal panel 1:

Ilie Iulian Dragomir

Lucia Tatiana Rog

Andrei Claudiu Rus

Oana Burnel

Anca Mădălina Alexandrescu

Criminal panel 2:

Lavinia Valeria Lefterache

Elena Barbu

Alin Sorin Nicolescu

Sandal Macavei

Simona Daniela Encean

Civil suit 1:

Adrian Remus Ghiculescu

Maria Hrudei

Eugenia Pușcașiu

Simona Lala Cristescu

Marian Buddha

Civil Completion 2:

Corina Alina Corbu

Adriana Elena Gherasim

Denisa Bâldean

Cosmin Mihăianu

Ileana Izabela Dolache Bogdan

Initial article: The High Court of Cassation and Justice (HCCJ) establishes, on Monday, who will be the judges who will be part of the Panels of 5 judges for 2022. The establishment of the panels will be done by drawing lots, starting at 12 o’clock.

The most important cases that could reach the table of the judges from the Panel of 5 are those of Elena Udrea, “Gala Bute”, Victor Ponta with Turceni-Rovinari and Darius Vâlcov, the trial in which he was sentenced to 8 years in prison in the first instance.

All were suspended following the decision of the Constitutional Court on the establishment of the panels.

Also, among the files with stakes are the trial of the former president of the Senate, Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, regarding the incompatibility of a former senator, in which Tăriceanu was acquitted.

Another case at stake is that of Gabriel Oprea, regarding the luxury car bought by the Department of Information and Internal Protection, in which the judges also gave a decision to acquit.

At the same time, the judges from the Panel of 5 could decide the career of judge Cristi Danileț, excluded from the judiciary for several posts on Tik Tok.

Source: Inquam Photos / Author: George Călin

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