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Udine, a young couple’s dream comes true: Ca Tapas opens

Anna and Pau ready to open their restaurant in Udine.

Only a few days left before the opening of what will be the realization of a great dream for Anna and Pau. The twenty-seven-year-old couple, she from Friuli and he from Spain, will in fact open the doors of what will be a a place that will perfectly blend Friulian and Spanish cuisine.

The name, CA TAPAS, suggests the possibility of tasting delicacies that come from the Iberian peninsula through samples of more or less elaborate dishes. “The idea of ​​opening a tapas place has always been our dream -Anna says- I am happy that this opportunity has arrived right here, in my native land, so that I can create a perfect fusion even with the typical local products, particularly sought after“.

The young couple yes met a few years ago in Spain, in the starred restaurant Disfrutarwhere Anna arrived there thanks to an internship created by the pastry school she attended, while Tau was already working there “I felt the need to return to Friuli also to bring the fruit of my experience gained abroad, both in Spain and in London, where I worked a few years ago,” explains the girl. In addition to culinary innovation, the couple also wanted to give a breath of fresh air to the furnishings of the room, which lends itself to a cozy and familiar context with its 35 seatsclosed for a couple of years but which was once quite famous and which it bore the name of “Antica osteria al Collio”. “We felt the need to give a youthful touch with vibrant colours, reminiscent of sunshine and good humour”, concludes Anna.

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