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UCC offers online mammography certificate

Starting in August and for the first time in Puerto Rico, radiological technologists will be able to be certified in the Mammography modality with a program that will be online. This innovative online program of the Associate Postgraduate Certificate in Mammography is part of the expansion in the academic offering of the Medical Imaging Program of the Central University of the Caribbean (UCC).

This professional certificate “will be remotely and that will allow other students in the country to participate in the courses without having to go to the university,” explained Dr. José R. Moscoso, dean of the School of Sciences and Technology of Health, to which the Medical Imaging Program belongs.

This distance modality in the Mammography Certificate joins the rest of the professional certificates offered by Medical Images in: Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance and Sonography.

Another academic offering that only the UCC Medical Imaging Program has is the professional certificate in Bone Densitometry, which is available to regular students, as well as radiological technologists, who can take it through the Office of Continuing Education.

For high school graduates, the Medical Imaging Program has an Associate Degree in Radiologic Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Imaging available. In both, students enjoy the advantages of small class sizes and more individualized instruction focused on offering support services to help them achieve their academic goals. Likewise, they have the advantage of starting to practice from the first year and of having experiences in community clinics, which results in better preparation for the world of work.

In addition, most of the graduates of Medical Imaging of the UCC find work in centers such as Senos Puerto Rico, where they recognize the excellence of the graduates of the institution.

“I know the caliber and quality of UCC graduates. The guys who have rotated with me from school look very confident; they look very professional; all arrive in their robes; they arrive identified, they are punctual and responsible ”, highlighted the co-founder of Senos Puerto Rico, Zoraida Estela Jové, a radiologist graduated from the UCC School of Medicine.

Dr. Jové also pointed out that UCC graduates trust professionals who graduate from Medical Imaging precisely because they know the rigor and excellence of the curriculum and the faculty. In fact, belonging to an institution that also has a School of Medicine and a Chiropractic Program, among others, allows Medical Imaging students to share joint experiences that help them develop skills such as interprofessionalism.

Among the requirements that people interested in studying Medical Imaging at the UCC must meet are: have a minimum average of 2.30, for the associate degree, and an average of 2.50 or more for the baccalaureate and the certificates of the various modalities.

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