Today in your new dnaTogether with Andrea Obaid, we had the opportunity to meet a study from the Catholic University (UC) in collaboration with various academic and health institutions, seeks to analyze the immunity of the new vaccines against Covid-19, this due to the variants of the virus.
From the Faculty of Medicine of the UC they highlighted the importance of the study on vaccines against Covid-19 to delve into the improvement of these.
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Katia Abarca, an academic at the Faculty of Medicine and medical director of the study, called on people to sign up. “Apart from the benefit of reinforcing your immunity against SARS-CoV-2, participation will help to learn more about the behavior of vaccines in order to improve them more and more”, he commented.
To carry out the study on vaccines against Covid-19 volunteers are needed who want to participate in the research, for which they must meet certain requirements: In the first instance, They must be of legal age. Secondly, they must have a mixed vaccination scheme, that is, a complete scheme with different vaccines.
Regarding the development of the study, volunteers will be inoculated with a booster dose of CoronaVac, Omicron vaccine or trivalent vaccine, and then they will be evaluated for six months, with the aim of reviewing their tolerance and response to the vaccine. For it, A blood sample will be taken three times.
A drop in the vaccination process
According to information from Ministry of Health (MINSAL), indicated that of the eight million people who are part of the target population, only 2,090,864 people have been vaccinated, that is, 25.11% of the total nationwide.
This drop in the vaccination rate is causing concern, so the call is to reinforce inoculation campaigns and encourage the population to continue vaccinatingunderstanding that the pandemic is still present with a total of 7,869 active cases as of March 21, 2023.