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Ubisoft suspends online for 90 old games

The online functionalities for no fewer than ninety old Ubisoft games have been discontinued. The Just Dance games up to and including 2018, Rainbow Six Vegas, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and the Rayman games, among others, are the worst.

The digital future of games does not bode well. More and more often the online functionalities of old games are discontinued to save costs. Earlier this year Ubisoft pulled the plug on Hyper Scape for the same reason. Even now it is happening again. Only this time the damage is not limited to just one failed battle royale game, but to ninety popular titles. As a result, the games can no longer be played online. Also, the in-game news and player statistics are no longer visible. Units and Challenges are also a thing of the past in titles that used Ubisoft Connect services. Small consolation: you can still unlock rewards. Unfortunately, those rewards can no longer be claimed in the games themselves.

Games in the Far Cry, Just Dance, Rabbids, Rayman and Splinter Cell franchises, among others, are the victims of this decision. You can find the full list of games on Ubisoft’s Support page at the link below. You can still play the games offline.

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Nils Hoogervorst

Nils Hoogervorst
If it were possible, our Nils would have dressed himself daily in a Nintendo cloak. Evil tongues claim Nils hums himself to sleep to the tune of Super Mario Bros. after getting into his Splatoon pajamas and getting into bed. Sitting slumped in front of a large screen is not an option for Nils, however, he prefers handheld gaming. It’s that easy, because then you can go to the toilet in peace without having to pause your game. His biggest guilty pleasure? Nintendogs + cats!

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