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Ubisoft: our next-gen games are not getting any more expensive just yet – Gaming – News

Nope I started playing nml in the 90’s and just when those huge jumps were made at the time I saw that the more money and time the devs put into the graphics, the flatter and duller and less challenging the gameplay became.

Compare eg Mass Effect 1 with ME3. The first game had some RPG elements. In part 2 you can completely avoid every difficult battle by shooting a nuke and the skills are dumbed down and you can no longer give your party commands and no longer pause the game to tactically plan your battles. part 3 is just gears of war.

That “looking good” in a game like RDR2 is debatable. I’ve never seen a Rockstar game look beautiful. The draw distance is lousy, texture popin is huge, the animations are wooden and the textures too shiny. And the FPS of their PC ports has been horrendous since GTA IV

The polygon count of the assets is not the only thing that matters.

And those younger gamers play games with simple low polygon count kiddie graphics because the game devs know that their game will mainly be marketed to children and they usually have no money to buy a PC of 1500 euros so it has to run on the discarded PC. get them, and then you try to persuade them to do microtransactions with mom’s credit card for lootboxes aka illegal online gambling.

[Reactie gewijzigd door pietjepuk369 op 23 juli 2020 15:16]

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