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Ubisoft Explores Remake Potential with ‘Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag’ and ‘Wrath of the Sea’ Expansion

Ubisoft has been focusing a lot on the Assassin’s Creed series recently, and the upcoming releases at this stage include “Assassin’s Creed: Visions”, “Assassin’s Creed: Codename Red” and “Assassin’s Creed: Codename Hexe”. However, these alone may not be enough to squeeze their own employees. It is said that they also plan to get involved in the remake of a game. According to foreign media Kotaku, this upcoming game should be the least assassin-like “Blackjack” in the history of the Assassin’s Creed series. flag”. If it comes true, maybe we can see the biography of the legendary master assassin with better picture quality or gameplay on modern computer configurations.

The full name of “Black Flag” is “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag”. It is on the list of discounts. Just recently, Steam held the 2023 summer sale, and “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag” has also entered the discount stage. It only takes more than NT$300 to start the game including DLC. Not bad for such a classic game.

The ten-year-old game Black Flag starts again with its partner, Battle of the Raging Sea

Compared with the current Assassin’s Creed game, the screen of “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag” is backward, and it seems very unacceptable, but in those days, “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag” was a set that subverted the previous Assassin’s Creed series game. In the previous Assassin’s Creed series, the protagonist of the game was either suffering or hating. Everyone has a deep hatred, and they will come into contact with the Assassin organization by chance, and finally train bit by bit to become a master assassin.

But Edward Kenway, the protagonist of Black Flag, is a different kind. He was a pirate who wanted to make a lot of money from the beginning. He was good at using swords and guns. He spent most of the early game in hunting for treasure and fighting ships, but instead assassinated them. Some are weakened a lot.

Although there are rumors of a remake of this game dubbed “Pirates of the Caribbean” at present, there is too little information and it is uncertain what form it will be made in. However, the Kotaku reporter believes that the development of Black Flag should include the “Wrath of the Wrath” that was not made at the beginning. Raging Sea Wars is an unpublished game developed by Ubisoft Singapore. I showed my face at E3 in 2017, and provided some previews of gameplay and screens. Simply put, “Wrath of the Sea” is basically born out of the naval battle mode in Black Flag, but the image quality has improved a lot, which can be regarded as the original game. A game made into DLC is an example of a game that stands alone.

However, since 2017 E3, the release time of this game has fallen into a dead silence. Ubisoft seems to have half-abandoned this game. After all, it is a stalk drawn from the DLC of a classic game, and it may not work well in development. If Ubisoft officially launches the remake of Black Flag, “Wrath of the Wrath” may become a new content in Black Flag.

Ubisoft has encountered problems in its operations in recent years. Although games are released every year, word of mouth continues to decline. Ubisoft-style collection tasks and sidelines have also been criticized, and Ubisoft is considered to be lazy in stuffing small elements on the open map in order to delay the time. Similar to many game companies, Ubisoft also thought of restarting the classic works of the past. By remaking a wave of nostalgia, it will have positive results for the company’s evaluation and development.

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