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Uber tries again to operate in Salta (Argentina)

Uber tries again to operate in Salta (Argentina)

The transport company Uber makes a new attempt to reach the province of Salta, in Argentina, but this time through the Uber Taxi application.

The taxi drivers maintain that it is an outrage and that it will deepen the precarious situation that already exists due to the pandemic.

Uber released a statement yesterday in which it reported that registration is open for taxi drivers to sign up for the Uber Taxi application.

The application that will have two travel options: Flash, to send packages, or Uber Taxi, to transport people.

The mere mention of the international company already causes a stir among workers in the sector. However, this new announcement is aimed directly at taxi drivers, which led to the unanimous rejection of the various associations.

The general secretary of the Union of Taxi Workers of Salta (Sipetax), Alfredo Carrizo, told the Pagina12 newspaper that they are “totally” opposed to the arrival of Uber in Salta because it represents “something cheating” and that it will end with illegal. He added that his entity calls for “no taxi driver to download the application, because if we are now in precarious conditions, with this we will end up homeless,” he stressed.

Carrizo participated yesterday morning in a meeting by video conference with the president of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (AMT), Marcelo Ferraris, a meeting in which the issue was discussed and the union member said that Ferraris himself “promised not to endorse this application ”.

The representative of the taxi drivers indicated that if they deem it appropriate, they will begin the mobilizations.

The funny thing is that Uber states in the statement that the service will be governed by the rate table determined by the AMT.

“Since the price of a trip is defined by the meter, users will be able to see an estimated range of values ​​when requesting a trip with Uber Taxi through the Uber application. The final value may vary according to the conditions of the trip ”.

This is Uber’s second landing attempt in Salta. The first was last June, when only the Flash service was announced, which finally did not materialize, due to the opposition of taxi drivers.

Carrizo explained that since the pandemic began, the collection in the sector fell by 50%.

Meanwhile, the representative of the Salta Taxi Family Civil Association, Héctor Agüero, said that the rejection also occurred because there was no consultation about the arrival.

In addition, he indicated that if the service reaches the province, the transport regulation of the AMT is breached.

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Uber tries again to operate in Salta (Argentina)

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