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UANL students receive threats for denouncing sexual aggressors

This Thursday, messages went viral on social networks stating that young people would go to the high schools of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) to beat and threaten women who denounced their sexual aggressors.

The messages shared on networks included warnings to the students not to attend classes, and attached as evidence alleged conversations through messaging applications in which they read “tell them not to go out, there will be armed guys in high school”, and asked to notify to the young women “that there will be a fight, that vatos are organizing to hit all those who reveal their harassers and rapists.”

Due to these events, Governor Samuel García ordered the Secretaries of Women and Security of Nuevo León to attend to and investigate the threats and attacks against women that were denounced this Friday on social networks.

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Through his Twitter account, García said he had received several messages denouncing threats and attacks on women, for which he asked the Secretary for Women, Alicia Leal, and the Secretary for Security, Aldo Fasci, to give immediate protection to the women. complainants.

Regarding the alleged threats, the UANL reported that, so far, there have been no situations that represent any risk to the high school facilities, and stated that the University has security measures to safeguard the integrity of the university community.

The institution urged students, teachers and workers to report any situation to the contacts of the Directorate of Prevention and University Protection.

For its part, the State Attorney General’s Office reported that, despite the dissemination of written and audio messages shared on networks, referring to threats and attacks against women in public education centers, it received no complaints. formal about it.

“In the same way, no education center has reported any irregular situation that occurred within its facilities regarding generalized violence,” he detailed in a statement.

Read more: Collectives denounce lack of protocols to punish women’s photo chat; Anahuac tries to silence them

The Prosecutor’s Office instructed all the Public Ministries to investigate if there is “any situation that validates the messages on social networks, in order to initiate the corresponding investigations”, and to the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Femicides and Crimes against Women, in order to to coordinate with public and private organizations regarding the protection of women.

The agency called on citizens to report it to the appropriate authorities if they know of a fact that could be presumed to be a crime.

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