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UAEU organizes interactive activities on the occasion of Mental Health Day


In the presence of Zaki Nusseibeh

October 13, 2022



2 minutes

Al-Ain: “The Gulf”
In the presence of Zaki Nusseibeh, Cultural Advisor to His Highness the President of the State and Supreme President of the University of the United Arab Emirates, the university’s Emirates Center for Happiness Research organized an open day on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, which provided the Awareness workshops and conferences, supervised by a number of mental health experts in health centers and the center, the American Psychiatric and Neurological Society and a group of students and faculty.
Nouf Al-Junaibi, Director of the university’s Emirates Center for Happiness Research, confirmed: The University of the United Arab Emirates is celebrating this occasion launched by the World Health Organization to raise awareness of the importance of mental health in society, as it is important for promoting the concept of mental health among college students, faculty and employees by educating community members.
He explained that those who enjoy high mental health have the greatest opportunities to live in a stable, safe and prosperous life, enabling them to achieve their goals and communicate positively with the environment they belong to in society and have more opportunities. of creativity, innovation and productivity in their professional and personal life.
The events included the organization of awareness raising seminars and conferences on 6 specialized themes: “Stress management and self-care” presented by Maryam Al-Salahat, “The role of the healthy relationship in health and well-being” presented by Dr. Asma Al-Otaibi, “Common Mental Illnesses” by Dr Yahya Tikriti and “Removing the Chaos” Digital and mental health benefits of reducing the use of technology “, by Dr Zahravali,” Change your perspective “presented by Dr. Waad Al-Munazel, and the conference” Our dreams are our night ally “, presented by Dr. Maria, and Dr. Muhammad Alam gave a lecture on awareness of bullying in schools, universities and in the workplace.
The event also culminated with the publication of the “Quality of Student Life” booklet, which includes solutions to some of the psychological challenges that students may face, especially after returning to the university campus.


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