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UAE Specialists Stress the Importance of Promoting Mental Health and Overcoming Stigma

Specialists in psychiatry and clinical psychology have confirmed that promoting mental health for all members of society, without exception, is a top priority and concern for the UAE, through developing strategies and launching support programs and initiatives that contribute to building a healthy and balanced society. Despite increased awareness of the concept of mental health and ways to maintain it, there is still a group of people with mental illnesses who avoid seeking medical help because of the “negative view” that still stigmatizes those who suffer from mental illnesses. This is due to several reasons, including: Ignorance and lack of awareness of mental illness, which varies in degree. The specialists stress to Al-Bayan the importance of the role of the concerned authorities who take it upon themselves to enhance community awareness of mental health, with the aim of overcoming misconceptions regarding seeking psychological assistance from the competent authorities and centers when needed.

In this context, Dr. Adel Karani, consultant psychiatrist, says: “Mental health affects individuals’ behaviour, thoughts and feelings, and this is even reflected in their daily lives and their ability to adapt to psychological pressures. Yes, there is a group in society that is still afraid and ashamed to resort to a psychiatrist, and unfortunately that group does not realize that they have the right to obtain appropriate and high-quality treatment.”

Dr. Karani pointed out that not consulting a psychiatrist leads to a deterioration in the patient’s condition, so it is best to speed up the treatment process. Praising the keenness of the concerned authorities in the country to promote mental health, and to enhance awareness emerging from the national policy to promote mental health.

Absence of awareness

In turn, Dr. Aram Hassan, psychiatry and trauma consultant, said: “Yes, there is still a deficiency in the concept of seeking help from a psychiatrist by a group of patients, even though the UAE attaches great importance to mental health care, which it considers an integral part.” of public health, and a major factor in the well-being and stability of society.”

He added: “Therefore, a person who suffers from a mental illness must not be afraid to go to the doctor, and must completely ignore the idea that he will be stigmatized by society as suffering from some disorder. If he does not go to seek treatment, this is primarily due to the inability to realize awareness of the disease.” Psychological.

Society’s perception

For her part, Wafa Faisal Al-Buraiki, a master’s student in clinical psychology and an employee in the Department of Clinical Psychology at the UAE University, explained that different life circumstances put some people, unfortunately, under psychological or nervous pressure, which requires them to go to a psychiatrist, in contrast to the reluctance of a group of patients. About treatment because of society’s view, as the patient is ashamed of mental illness and may be afraid to reveal and talk about what he suffers from. Noting that the concerned authorities in the Emirates are keen to support and empower psychiatric patients through specialized treatment and awareness programs.


In the same context, Shaima Abdel-Rahman Al-Mikhlafi, a master’s student in clinical psychology, pointed out that it is necessary to pay attention to mental health, as there are many challenges facing the psychological patient, which affect his psychological and health condition, perhaps the most prominent of which is society’s view resulting from the absence of a societal culture in this regard. the frame. She added: “I am not exaggerating if I say that one of the challenges facing the mentally ill is also warning some families against revealing the illness of their relatives with mental illnesses, and avoiding taking them to a psychiatrist, which delays the diagnosis process, and thus treatment.”

Investing solutions

For her part, Maryam Youssef, a research assistant at the UAE University, said, “The most prominent mental health challenges lie in social shyness and people’s outlook, as well as ignorance of the concept of mental health disorders and methods of treating them, as well as resorting to specialist doctors at a late stage of the disease.”

She continued: “Therefore, it is necessary to increase community awareness about mental health issues, invest in digital and technological solutions and social media platforms of all kinds and diversity in promoting mental health, and create a unified platform that includes all sectors, working bodies, and teams specialized in the field of mental health and psychiatry, to discuss issues and solutions.” And relevant developments in this important field, at the local and international levels.”


In turn, Fatima Al Zaabi, a master’s student in clinical psychology, pointed out that “it is important that the culture of going to a psychiatrist find more space among the concerned authorities, as there are people to this day who encounter many problems that may affect their psychology, but they insist on not “Going to a psychiatrist, they find it an unacceptable idea.” Al Zaabi suggested that the relevant authorities take it upon themselves to “promote mental health, enhance the prevention of psychological disorders for all groups and ages of society, and conduct research on mental health for the purpose of developing its services.”

2023-12-23 22:02:55

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