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UAE Minister Dr. Sultan Al Jaber Affirms Global Leadership in Climate Action at COP 28

His Excellency Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, President of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28), confirmed that the UAE has a global leadership position as a result of a leadership vision that looks forward. areas of clean energy and sustainable economic development that are qualified to lead the international climate action system and build a better future for humanity and planet Earth.

His Excellency said that in line with the vision of the UAE leadership, the leadership (COP 28) is keen to strengthen international cooperation to bring about effective climate action that supports sustainable economic and social development in line with the provisions of history. “UAE Agreement”.

This came in a speech by His Excellency at a high-level session within the “Petersburg Climate Communication,” which is held every year, attended by Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan , and several ministers, in the capital of Germany, Berlin.


His Highness Sultan Al Jaber held several bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the Petersburg Dialogue with Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, Annalena Baerbock, German Foreign Minister, and Stephane Ségourney, French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

In his speech, His Excellency pointed out that the historic “UAE Agreement” has become a reference framework for global climate ambition and sustainable development since it was agreed in Dubai last year, as it achieved achievements across different sectors and pillars of climate action, including “mitigation,” “adaptation,” and “financing.”

It also set a clear path to achieving an orderly, responsible, fair and logical transition in the energy sector, according to scientific facts, and preserving the ability to avoid an increase in global temperatures higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

He praised the success of the parties in agreeing to include a commitment to time-bound goals to increase the global production capacity of renewable energy sources within the agreement for the first time in Co- speeches of the Parties, achieving unprecedented achievements to protect and improve nature. climate finance, and supporting the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change by implementing and starting to finance a global fund. they previously received enough attention, such as food and health, on the agenda of Party Conferences for the first time.

Proving the viability of multilateral action and its ability to achieve global goals even in times of geopolitical tension, and the ability of solidarity to be ahead of polarization, sending a message of hope and inclusion to all at this critical time for climate action.


His Excellency reiterated that the Conference of the Parties Presidents’ Troika is a unique initiative for tripartite cooperation under the “Emirates Agreement” between the Presidents of the Conferences of the Parties, COP28, which it was held in the UAE, COP29, which will be held in Azerbaijan, and COP30, which will be held in Brazil. adequately funded national adaptation plans to protect nature and improve food systems.

His Excellency called on all countries to raise their ambitions and take effective steps to prepare national climate action plans in line with the “UAE Agreement”, in conjunction with putting the development of green infrastructure at the heart of their plans, and implementing smart incentive policies to encourage. business sectors to comply with climate action goals.

And attracting private sector investments, underlining the need for open and transparent communication on ways to achieve the 1.5 degree Celsius target in combination with ensuring energy security and promoting economic growth.


He said the desired transition in the energy sector must contribute to improving livelihoods, providing adequate opportunities for all, and reducing emissions and not slowing down levels of growth and progress, noting that it will take time and will be achieved at different speeds according to different places and conditions, and it will also be a qualitative movement at the level of the whole system It will provide the most opportunity more for social and economic development since the early industrial era.

He pointed out that an orderly, responsible and just transition in the energy sector needs to make major investments in conjunction with increasing levels of climate finance in a visible and effective way, stressing that the world cannot afford the current energy system to abandon before building the future energy system. .

His Excellency identified four main investment priorities in this area: infrastructure, technology, human resources, and the developing countries of the global south.

He explained that the world must invest at least $6 trillion within 6 years to achieve the targeted production capacity of renewable energy for the year 2030, amounting to 11 terawatts, as well as investment at the same level to renew old electrical networks or create new ones. networks in areas that lack coverage, especially developing countries.

His Highness Sultan Al Jaber emphasized the importance of benefiting from artificial intelligence to rationalize water consumption and to achieve a radical positive change in the field of energy efficiency and emission reduction, by overcoming the challenges of supply sustainability which faces renewable energy networks. He called for increasing the use of artificial intelligence applications in energy and water-intensive sectors to expand the scope of their benefits more quickly, which requires all countries to invest in their human resources and develop their skills. to meet the needs of the new green economy. .

His Excellency pointed out the need to increase investment in the countries of the global south, noting that more than 120 developing countries receive only 15% of global investments in the field of renewable energy innovation, which shows the need for multilateral development banks to provide more financing. these countries on easy terms and at reasonable cost.

The President of COP 28 holds meetings with the President of Azerbaijan, the German Foreign Minister, and the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs

He reviewed the UAE leadership’s vision and willingness to strengthen international cooperation to produce effective climate action that supports development

The historic “UAE Agreement” has become a reference framework for global climate ambition and sustainable development

2024-04-26 22:06:49
#Sultan #Jaber #UAE #world #leader #clean #energy #sustainable #development

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