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UAE Denies False Accusations by Sudan at United Nations Security Council Meeting

Abu Dhabi – WAM
Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, confirmed that the UAE definitely rejects false accusations made by the Permanent Representative of Sudan, stressing that they are baseless accusations.

She noted that the UAE sent a letter to the Security Council on April 21, in which it stressed that the spread of false information and false statements a year after the conflict aims to avoid responsibility and undermine efforts international that aims to address the humanitarian crisis in Sudan.

In this regard, the United Arab Emirates confirmed that it remains committed to supporting a peaceful solution to the conflict in Sudan and continues to work with all those involved. Support any process that aims to put Sudan on the political path to reach a permanent settlement and achieve a national consensus to create a civilian-led government.

The text of the letter sent by Mohammed Abu Shehab, UAE Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, to Vanessa Fraser, President of the United Nations Security Council, said:

Based on the instructions of my government, I am writing to you in response to the allegations contained in the statement of the Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations at the 9611th session of the Security Council on April 19, 2024, under the item on the agenda . “Reports of the Secretary-General on Sudan and South Sudan.”

The United Arab Emirates definitely rejects the accusations made by the Permanent Representative of Sudan, which are baseless and go against the fraternal relationship established between our two countries and the humanitarian situation as a result of the ongoing fighting.

All allegations regarding the involvement of the UAE in any form of aggression or instability in Sudan, or the provision of military, logistical, financial or political support to any group therein the Sudan baseless and have no reliable evidence to support them.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Sudan, the United Arab Emirates has long strongly believed that there is no military solution to the conflict, and we are deeply concerned about the failure of the parties to the conflict. respond to the call for an immediate cessation of hostilities or efforts to find a lasting solution to the conflict through dialogue, including the most recent call by the Security Council in resolution 2724 (2024).

Despite the many notifications that regional organizations and the international community quickly issued; However, the parties to the conflict have continued to escalate hostilities, which cause unprecedented hardship and suffering for the Sudanese people and threaten to destabilize the entire region.

In this context, the United Arab Emirates also expresses its deep concern about the spread of false information and false statements, which would undermine any efforts aimed at promoting constructive dialogue and ultimately paving the way to lasting peace.

On behalf of my Government, I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm the respect and commitment of the United Arab Emirates to the observance of the principles of international law, including the principles of the United Nations Charter. The United Arab Emirates also respects the sovereignty of other countries, refraining from any interference in their internal affairs and is committed to full compliance with the decisions of the Security Council of Nations and in work with the Council and its sub-groups.

Therefore, the UAE will remain committed to supporting a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Sudan, and to this end, the UAE will continue to work with all stakeholders, and support to any process aimed at putting Sudan on the political path to reach a permanent settlement. , and achieve a national consensus to create a Civilian-led government.

The UAE has effectively communicated with the parties in Sudan and relevant stakeholders; Including the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the African Union, it supported the talks in Jeddah and Manama, and also participated in the “International Humanitarian Conference on Sudan and Neighboring Countries”; Held recently in Paris, he signed his Declaration of Principles to advance peace initiatives for Sudan, and pledged 100 million US dollars to support humanitarian efforts in Sudan and neighboring countries.

The United Arab Emirates strongly believes that dialogue is the only way to deal with grievances and the path towards sustainable peace in Sudan, and emphasizes the need for all parties to Really promise to participate in the peace talks with good intentions, like all the parties in Sudan. they must focus on constructive communication and meaningful communication; Instead of avoiding responsibility and undermining efforts to resolve the conflict and address the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, the current situation in Sudan calls for all parties concerned show a real commitment to achieving lasting peace and stability in Sudan.

The United Arab Emirates will continue to support all genuine efforts aimed at achieving peace and stability in Sudan, and remains committed to working with all stakeholders to achieve a peaceful solution to reach the conflict.

2024-04-22 11:51:00
#UAE #expresses #rejection #false #accusations #Sudans #permanent #representative #United #Nations #Khaleej #Newspaper

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