Halfway through, Yohan Chereau’s team is within the desired transition times in U16 R with a 2e place behind the Cavigal of Nice thanks to an ultra solid record (8 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss). The rise to U17 Nationals is therefore still on the ropes of the young Azur and Or. “It’s rather satisfactory overall. The regrets come from the fact that we conceded two draws against opponents in the middle of the table. We must gain in regularity and investment. In self-control too because when we are heckled we sometimes tend to get angry and lose the thread. Otherwise for the rest there is nothing to say, this workforce is receptive and motivated ”explains the coach Azur et Or. Talented too because the Toulonnais were the only ones to beat the leader Cavigal de Nice (4-0).

Best chicken defense

And the return to the Alpes Maritimes is already shaping up to be decisive. “The objective will be to go there having the opportunity either to pass in front or to make the break” he continues. The Azur et Or can rely on the best defense in the championship, a sign that collectively everyone is pulling in the same direction. “The pre-season course near Digne paid off. On the menu hiking to a water point and camping among others. The players responded present and are fully invested in the club’s project. With the renovation of the accommodation center it is important to access the U17 Nationals. We will give everything to get there,” he concludes. This is why the year 2022 could well be synonymous with a turning point in the recent history of the club.