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25 Jan. 2024 1:36 p.m.
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Researchers in the U.S. rush to help sea turtles suffering from freezing. A total of 109 fish washed up on a beach in North Carolina, of which only 36 were able to be rescued.
The weather is extremely cold in the North. USA Carolina It affects animals in the sea. Hundreds of sea turtles were found washed up on the beach, frozen and unable to move their bodies. This caused officials at the North Carolina State University Marine Science and Technology Center to rush to the rescue and bring the sea turtles to the center for warming. and help restore the body But only 36 turtles were found to have survived. While at the beginning of last month Researchers have found many turtles suffering from this condition as well.
This is on the Facebook page of US National Parks. Explain the cause of this event. When sea turtles face acute cold It will not be able to swim or eat food. This is because their body temperature depends on the water temperature. Therefore, when entering autumn and winter where the temperature drops They may become lethargic. and have a temperature lower than normal and are often washed ashore by waves and winds. Even though they froze to the point of death, But most of it may still be alive. Ready to warn the public if they find a turtle like this. Don’t try to push it back into the sea. Because it will give the turtle a chance to die. But it’s best to immediately call and notify the local sea turtle protection agency to help. Because the staff will be able to check and warm them properly. Before treating an injury including a microchip before returning them to the sea After the weather continues to warm up.
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2024-01-25 06:36:36