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U.S. Auto Safety Regulators Allow Automakers to Comply with Massachusetts Law on Sharing Vehicle Data with Independent Repair Shops

(New throughout the year with state feedback, details, background) by David Shepardson

WASHINGTON, Aug 22 (Reuters) – U.S. auto safety regulators said on Tuesday automakers can comply with a Massachusetts law requiring them to share vehicle data with independent repair shops, moving back after previously objecting that this law could make vehicles vulnerable to hacking.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said automakers can safely share diagnostic data with independent shops using short-range wireless technology, but warned that using wireless signals at long range could potentially allow hackers to send dangerous commands to moving vehicles.

In 2020, voters in Massachusetts approved an initiative that gives independent repair shops access to diagnostic data that newer cars can send directly to dealers and manufacturers, so consumers can get repairs online. outside of dealerships.

In June, NHTSA called on 22 major automakers not to comply with the Open Access Act because it could potentially tamper with steering, braking and other critical safety features and allow hackers computers to “remotely control vehicles to operate dangerously”

After talking to Massachusetts, NHTSA said the state clarified automakers can comply with the law using an “appropriately implemented, short-range wireless compliance approach.” Longer-range wire would pose risks, according to the agency.

The Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office said it appreciates “the clarification provided today by NHTSA that our state law is not superseded by federal law. Automakers must now comply with the state law, the office said.

NHTSA said automakers should be given a “reasonable amount of time” to roll out the technology.

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a trade group representing major automakers including General Motors GM.N, Toyota Motor 7203.T and Volkswagen

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Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, both Massachusetts Democrats, criticized NHTSA in June (link), but said Tuesday’s decision to allow enforcement will help “lighten the burdens and reduce costs for Massachusetts drivers”

The White House Competition Council has been engaged behind the scenes to find a solution, a senior administration official said.

2023-08-22 21:49:09

#approves #auto #repair #law #raising #concerns #hacking

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