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Tyvano, 14, suffering from ADHD, violently attacked on the way home from school: images that shock Flanders

The perpetrator was suspended from the school he attended, along with the victim. Tyvano, for his part, no longer dares to set foot there again. Police opened an investigation.

The images toured the Flemish media this Friday, while school harassment is more than ever at the heart of debates in Belgium. Images of Tyvano, 14, the victim of a violent assault on the way home from school. Facts committed by his fellows.

We are Wednesday afternoon, in an abandoned alley behind the station of Roeselare. Tyvano, suffering from mild mental disorder (suffering from ADHD, attention deficit disorder), 14, from Izegem, was severely beaten by three young men. After the video went viral, local police took action and launched an investigation.

“My brother is slightly autistic and suffers from an ADHD disorder”, explains to our colleagues Laatste Nieuws and Nieuwsblad Stefanie (31), the victim’s sister. “The perpetrators took his cell phone and lured him into a deserted alley behind the station. He was beaten and kicked there, apparently by an 18-year-old boy who likes to search for and make defenseless victims shoot on video. With these films, he boasts of his fighting techniques. Apparently, there are even private groups where these films are shared, “deplores Tyvano’s big sister.

“I hope that the authors will not escape their sanction”

Since the assault, Tyvano no longer dares to set foot in school. “He is too scared,” said his sister. “In addition, his stomach, where he was beaten, bothers him.” I try to reassure Tyvano and convince him that the perpetrators will not escape punishment and that the police will do their job. “

Threats were also made against the young man and his family, who received a video clip showing a weapon, a Glock.

School takes action, police too

No inactivity of the authorities and the school attended by Tyvano in this case: even without complaint, we would have opened an investigation, “assured Carl Vyncke of the Riho police zone to our Dutch-speaking colleagues.” We already had seen the video on social networks. This is enough to launch an investigation on our own initiative. We have no knowledge of systematic fighting in remote alleys, but this will also be investigated. “

The victim and one of the perpetrators are educated at BuSo Sint-Idesbald in Roeselare. Management acted on an incident “which we of course deeply regret,” said the institution’s director, Gerrit De Molder. “We contacted the parents of the aggressor and the victim and have. As a precaution, the class council decided to temporarily suspend the aggressor. The victim and his parents are kept informed of each step. We will also do everything in our power to make the victim feel safe again. As a school, we also feel responsible for what happens before and after school. “

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