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Types of smoking | Miscellaneous | Ammon news agency

Ammon – There are several types of smoking that individuals can engage in. Here are some common types of smoking:

1. Cigarette smoking: This includes the use of traditional cigarettes that contain tobacco and other additives. The smoke that results from the combustion of a cigarette is inhaled, and contains hundreds of harmful chemicals.

2. Passive smoking: Refers to the inhalation of smoke that is released from lit cigarettes by others. People who are exposed to secondhand smoke can be affected by the same health damages as smokers.

3. Smoking with Cuban Pipes and Cigarettes: Smoking with Cuban pipes or cigarettes is another form of smoking. Different types of tobacco are used, lit and smoke inhaled.

4. Electronic smoking: includes the use of electronic cigarettes or electronic hookah. These devices contain a liquid that is heated and converted into vapor that is inhaled. Although it is considered a relative alternative to traditional cigarettes, it may contain harmful substances as well.

5. Smoking weed: Natural herbs such as marijuana or hashish are used for smoking. It is stuffed into a paper or tube, lit and the resulting smoke is inhaled.

Whatever the type of smoking, it must be noted that all forms of smoking carry serious health risks and cause negative effects on public health.

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