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Types of Lithosphere Layers Page all

KOMPAS.comEarth’s skin The layer of rock that follows the spherical shape of the Earth is called the lithosphere.

Etymologically, the term lithosphere comes from the Greek, namely from the word “lithos” which means rock and “sphere” (sphaira) which means sphere.

The lithosphere is earth’s crust the top is 66 km thick and consists of rocks.

In addition, the lithosphere is also known as forming the Earth’s surface which consists of rocks and minerals.

Benefits of the lithosphere

Reported from Learning Resources Ministry of Education and Culture, The lithosphere has the following benefits:

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1. As a source of energy (petroleum and coal).

2. Meet the needs of industry (iron and aluminum).

3. As a material for making jewelry (minerals, diamonds, gold, silver).

4. Energy sources and explosives (uranium)

5. Source of fertilizer raw materials (nitrogen and phosphate)

The lithosphere consists of two parts, namely:

1. Damn layer

The sialic layer is a lithosphere layer composed of silicon and aluminum, their compounds are in the form of SiO2 and Al2O3.

In the unlucky layer (silicium and aluminum), there are sedimentary rocks, andesite granite, types of metamorphic rocks, and others.

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The sial layer, which is also known as the crustal layer, is dense with an average distribution of 35 km of rock.

The unlucky layer is further divided into two parts, namely:

a. Continental crust

Continental crust is a solid body consisting of granite at the top and igneous basalt at the bottom.

b. Kerak samudra

Oceanic crust is a solid body consisting of sediment in the sea at the top, volcanic rock at the bottom, and the bottom is composed of gabbro and peridolite igneous rocks.

2. Sima layer

The sima layer is a Lit up layer composed of silica and magnesium metals, in the form of SiO2 and MgO compounds.

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The sima layer has a higher specific gravity than the sialic layer because it contains iron and magnesium, namely ferrous magnesium minerals and basalt rocks.

The sima layer is an elastic material and has an average thickness of 65 km.

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