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Types of Kidney Failure- Hossam Mowafi explains the difference between acute and chronic

Dr. Hossam Mowafi, Professor of Critical Cases at Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine, warned against Kidney failurestressing that it is one of the most dangerous diseases that a person may contract throughout his life.

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Muwafi said during his program “My Lord, Increase Me in Knowledge”, broadcast on Sada Al-Balad channel, that kidney failure is divided into two types, the first is acute renal failure, and the second is chronic renal failure.

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The professor of critical care medicine confirmed that chronic renal failure is more dangerous than the acute type, because its infection occurs gradually without the patient’s knowledge, and is not accompanied by any warning symptoms.

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He added that acute renal failure usually occurs due to taking medications randomly without consulting a specialist, and it also results from low blood pressure, explaining that lack of urination is one of the signs that reveal it.

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Muwafi explained that chronic renal failure may occur as a result of neglecting treatment of some health problems, such as kidney infection and urine pus.

Also read: 5 tips to avoid kidney failure

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