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Types of Food and Drinks Today Triggers Diabetes

Tribunjogja.com -Young people today like to eat food and contemporary drinks.

Even though this habit, if done continuously, can increase the risk of disease Diabetes.

Types of food and contemporary drinks mostly high in calories and sugar. Therefore these foods and drinks can trigger Diabetes alias diabetes.

Some of them are coffee, palm sugar, bread, donuts, boba drinks, burgers, hot dogs, fried foods, and fried rice with various toppings.

Junk food (is / net)

If consumed regularly in the long term, these foods and drinks can lead to obesity, the main cause of disease Diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that occurs because the pancreas cannot produce or use the hormone insulin efficiently.

This hormone works to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. Complications Diabetes can cause heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, amputation, and schizophrenia mental disorders.

Nutritionist from Primaya Hospital Tangerang, dr. Yohan Samudra, SpGK. said, a number of contemporary culinary delights that are on the rise tend to spoil the tongue but can damage the body.

“Coffee is currently booming. Basically, black coffee has zero calories. But when it is mixed with palm sugar, milk, creamer, the sugar and calorie levels are high,” said Yohan, through a press release received. Kompas.com, Friday (13/11/2020).

Also read: World Diabetes Day 2020: The Facts About Diabetes Patients in the World

Not only sweetened milk coffee drinks, Yohan said that other drinks such as various flavors of tea with various toppings such as palm sugar, boba, jelly and pudding can also increase the risk of diabetes because they are high in sugar.

Illustration: Boba drink.
Illustration: Boba drink. (www.thejakartapost.com)

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