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Types of Chromosomal Mutations, Here’s the Explanation

The type of chromosomal mutation is one of the most important discussions. You need to know that mutation itself is a change in the genetic material in a cell.

Later the material will also be inherited for the next generation. The cause of the mutation is a replica error during cell division, due to radiation, mutagens, viruses, or in the meiosis process.

Mutations basically have the meaning of changes that will occur in genetics. Whether it’s the level at the level of chromosomes or genes. The occurrence of this mutation has the aim of dealing with natural changes that will occur at any time.

The reason is, if the change occurs, then there are two possibilities. The nature of mutations that are easy for us to compare with the original nature and the nature of mutations that are not suitable for the new environment. It is also suitable or not for each individual to mutate depending on the individual region.

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Recognize the Types of Chromosomal Mutations in Genes

In the division of mutations, consists of five parts. There are point mutations, large mutations, aneuploidy, aneusomies, and chromosomal mutations. Well, often the important discussion is the type of chromosomal mutation.

But before we go on to discuss the types of chromosomal mutations, it would be better if you know what they mean.

You need to know that chromosomal mutations are mutations that occur and will cause changes in genetic material on a large scale.

As for the division itself there are four. Chromosomal mutations, deletions, translocations, duplications, and inversions.

Back to the previous explanation. The factor of the mutation itself is influenced by several factors. There are physical, chemical, and biological factors.

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Chromosome Deletion

The synonym of this type of deletion is deletion, which is the loss of a part that belongs to a part of a chromosome during the process of meiosis. If the chromosome is broken or the telomere is damaged, the chromosome will lose many genes.

Genes that have an important role for individual expression. This species also has the ability to cause the death of individuals contained in the zygote or more accurately called premature death. There is also insertion, the chromosome will undergo a change in the piece of chromosome.


For this type of chromosomal mutation, it is an event where a broken chromosome is reattached to its original chromosome, but its position is reversed. This chromosome is also a silent mutation, because it does not cause serious problems in the individual.

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Is a chromosomal mutation in which part of the chromosome replicates and causes the same gene to be added in one part.


This type of chromosomal mutation occurs due to the attachment of pieces of chromosomes to non-homologous chromosomes. This translocation can also cause the gene to not be expressed. This type of chromosomal mutation will later cause serious problems. (R10/HR-Online)

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