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two years and ten million visitors for Steel

Fireworks and entertainment for several days at Steel. The Saint-Etienne shopping and leisure center celebrates its two years on Friday 16 September. If the catering offer has not completely found its audience, the clientele is present. “We were aiming for nine million visitors, _we have exceeded ten million_“, explains Josselin Durand, the director of the site.

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30% of visitors come from Saint-Etienne, 70% from the big city. Our catchment area extends from the Gier valley to Monistrol-sur-Loirebut we also have visitors who come from Roanne, Annonay or Puy-en-Velay “Josselin Durand specifies.

Soon an Espace Montagne store

The restaurant offering has struggled to find its audience and some brands have been placed in compulsory administrative liquidation, but the situation is improving, says the director of Steel. “We were inside _a difficult national context for restoration_and mechanically Steel has suffered the consequences, but our restorers have rolled up their sleeves and we feel that from the good times there, a rhythm has been found again, some tell me that for them it was their real departure, we have glimpsed the end of tunnel which was however very long “Josselin Durand comments.

The shopping center is preparing to welcome new brands, including an Espace Montagne store that will open in the coming days.

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