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Two weeks before the start of the school year, sanitary conditions still very unclear

It is a criticism all the more brutal since it was pronounced in the absence of the recipient: on August 11, during a defense council held by videoconference from the fort of Brégançon (Var), Emmanuel Macron underlined the vagueness surrounding the start of the school year, according to information from the Chained duck August 18. The President of the Republic demanded that the sanitary conditions of the return to class be re-explained, more clearly, to families and teachers. His minister of national education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, was not present.

Two weeks before the start of the school year, scheduled for September 2, the national education health protocol disseminated at the end of July still needs to be clarified. For its part, the Ministry of Health gave, on August 17, information concerning colleges and high schools which educate students over 12 years old, encouraged to be vaccinated since mid-June. Confirming that mobile vaccination centers would be well deployed in establishments where vaccination coverage is poorer, the health ministry said that adolescents could be taken in groups to vaccination centers, in a comparison with ” a school trip “ considered clumsy by the cabinet of Mr. Blanquer.

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While the press conference for the return of the education minister is scheduled for August 26, and a point with the unions on the 25th, Jean-Michel Blanquer is forced to shake up his schedule to position himself on health issues.

One “Framing” should be given at the end of the week, assures those around him, undoubtedly during the planned trip, Thursday, August 19, to Chatenay-Malabry (Hauts-de-Seine), where the minister must visit an “open school” device which offers educational support to disadvantaged groups. “It will be a question of reaffirming to the families that the reception of all the pupils will be done well on September 2nd, we say. There are uncertainties in some families who think that unvaccinated children will not be able to go to school, which is incorrect. “

Four alert levels

“We should at least specify at what level of the health protocol we are”, claims Guislaine David, from SNUipp-FSU. At the end of July, the national education system put online a differentiated protocol with four alert levels (green, yellow, orange and red), to be adapted according to the epidemic circulation at the start of the school year. Reunion Island, where the students returned to class on Monday August 16, applies the yellow level.

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