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Two Supermassive Black Holes Nearest From Earth Expected to Collision Soon

New Scientist says, two relatively close supermassive black holes are preparing to collide with each other.

RAKYATKU.COM — Scientists unravel a number of mysteries in nature. One of them is the existence of two supermassive black holes.

Karina Voggel at the University of Strasbourg in France and her colleagues discovered these two black holes using the Very Large Telescope in Chile.

The larger one has a mass 154 million times the sun. While the smaller one weighs 6.3 million solar masses.

New Scientist says, two relatively close supermassive black holes are preparing to collide with each other.

Massive objects are closer to each other than any supermassive pair we have ever encountered. This pair is also closest to Earth.

According to the report, they are in a galaxy called NGC 7727. It is nearly 89 million light years from Earth.

The larger one is at the center of the galaxy and the smaller black hole is about 1,600 light-years away.

Scientists believe that it once belonged to a smaller galaxy that was swallowed billions of years ago by NGC 7727.

Now, they are heading towards each other. According to the researchers’ calculations, they will most likely break apart and merge into one colossal black hole in about 250 million years.

“These processes in astronomy take billions of years, so we can’t follow them as they happen, but we’ve caught this in action the merging process. This is a phase that we don’t usually see very often,” Voggel said.

“In this case, the black hole is silent – not too loud – and that is what is ignored. There may be more supermassive black holes hidden outside the center of the galaxy, ”added Voggel.

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