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Two Suns will shine over Brno

The model of the Sun was created thanks to its 84,750 images taken at the end of 2014 by the US space agency NASA.

All images were processed by a mathematical method designed by the Brno mathematician Miloslav Druckmüller. His images of the solar corona are literally a world scientific hit.

The Brno model of the Sun is called Heliosphere, is 10 meters in diameter and was created using images from NASA.

Photo: Brno Observatory

The sun that takes your breath away

“The unique shape of our model is that it captures the Sun in the so-called ultraviolet field of the electromagnetic spectrum. At these wavelengths, phenomena that it is unable to notice will become visible to the human eye, “Jiří Dušek, director of the Brno Observatory, told Práva.

Brno will have a second Sun.

Photo: Brno Observatory

So the viewer is not just waiting to meet a giant glowing golden disc. The view of the structure of its surface is breathtaking. He will be able to find hot plasma jets on it, but also large coronary holes, from which the wind blows material into space.

The heliosphere refers to the area of ​​the Sun’s magnetic influence. To create it, it was necessary to use images from the Solar Dynamic Observatory. It is an observatory moving around the Earth at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers. It is equipped with four telescopes, thanks to which it constantly captures the sun at many wavelengths.

The model was created by the Brno Observatory to make the public look to the stars, not only in its unique digital studio, but also in its vicinity, ie on Brno’s Kraví hora.

Photo: Brno Observatory

2.6 TB (terabytes) of images were needed to create the model, which corresponds to about 750 downloaded movies on the computer’s hard drive.

The last of the inflatable giants

The model was created by the Brno Observatory to make the public look to the stars, not only in its unique digital studio, but also in its vicinity, ie on Brno’s Kraví hora. The heliosphere there will be presented to the public on Monday, July 11. It will shine all week after dark. Its next exhibition is expected at the beginning of August.

This is the fourth very accurate space model of the Brno Observatory. It already has in its inflatable space park Terralón – ie the planet Earth, Lunalon – – the Moon, and Marsmeloun, which is the planet Mars. The models are created by the observatory staff together with creatives from the Visualove group and are sewn in the Brno workshops of Kubíček Factory.

The model of the Sun was created thanks to its 84,750 images taken at the end of 2014 by the US space agency NASA.

Photo: Brno Observatory

Detailed model of the Sun on Brno’s Cow Mountain.

Photo: Brno Observatory

No other model will probably be created. “Unfortunately, other bodies in the solar system are not as photogenic as Mercury, Venus, Uranus or Neptune, or they are not mapped in such detail, this is the case of Jupiter or Pluto, or they cannot be made exactly so, this is the case of Saturn and its rings,” added Dušek. .

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