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two students launch a unique treasure hunt in Bordeaux

An original and eco-responsible treasure hunt that will take you, for a month, to discover the Bordeaux heritage. An initiative to raise awareness of the great change in the wine industry, without forgetting the essential: winning lots of prizes around wine!

A 100% wine game in the heart of the city, from April 4 to 30

What if instead of looking for chocolate eggs, you spent Easter weekend hunting for wine?

If you are 18 or over, hurry, you have one week left to start the race. They are already more than 1,250 subscribers on the Instagram page of the event.

There is more philosophy in a bottle of wine than in any book.

Louis Pasteur

Young inventive organizers

Their names are Juliana Girard and Mats Pelser, they are 22 and 20 years old respectively. They are both students in the third year of the bachelor of theBordeaux wine school and it was when they were thinking about their marketing project that they imagined this treasure hunt.

Juliana Girard co-organizer of “Chasse ton vin”

© Frédérique Lillet

Mats Pelser co-organizer of “Chasse ton vin”

© Mats Pelser via Facebook

Here, men (women) should be born happier and more joyful than elsewhere, because I believe that happiness comes to men who are born where there is good wine.

Leonardo DeVinci

A stated environmental objective:

By creating this event, these two young wine enthusiasts wish to promote professionals in the wine industry whose actions, ways of producing and developing new products, embody and present the great transformation of the sector towards a reasoned and more sustainable viticulture. .

Alone, in the vegetable kingdom, the vine makes us understand what the true flavor of the earth is.


Enthusiastic partners

The project started with only four partners but since its announcement in the press, more and more professionals of the city have come forward to the students to join the operation.

They are now more than fifteen and thanks to this mobilization, it will not be one but up to three prizes that will be won each week.

Throughout the month of March, you have been able to discover these partners and even if for the most part, the prizes are secret, some and not the least have been revealed.

God only made water, but man made wine.

Victor hugo

Thanks to this treasure hunt, you will learn about the castles, estates and winegrowers in the region who are committed to the preservation of our ecosystem and the bio-diversity of the vineyards … but not only!

Several participating companies or shops will make you discover activities or products made around wine … some of which may surprise you …

From the glass craftswoman who creates trays by melting bottles of wine to the start-up Arvin which encapsulates prestigious wines in jewels passing by this Bordeaux which invented the 100% vegan sneaker made from grapes, these are real treasures that Juliana and Mats have unearthed for this hunt.

How to participate ?

Three conditions: To be 18 years old, to like puzzles and to consult the Instagram account every Saturday Chase your wine. This treasure hunt is to be approached like a giant treasure hunt in the city.

Every Saturday at the end of the morning, clues will be disclosed to you on the account. You will then have to go to emblematic places of Bordeaux where other clues will be waiting for you to find the treasure.

Do not panic if you are not the first since at least 3 treasures will be to be won each week. In addition, the walk promises to be beautiful because do not forget that Bordeaux is the second French city to shelter the most classified monuments.

As Pliny the Elder used to say: “In vino veritas” …

So? … On your compasses … Ready? … Hunt!


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