Home » today » World » Two sisters – lie and truth! – 2024-08-17 00:21:20

Two sisters – lie and truth! – 2024-08-17 00:21:20

/View.info/ Everyone lies about what they want and where they want…
Our consolation is that sooner or later the lie shines, that its legs were short…But it is true that without it we are nowhere. But it is true that without her we are nowhere. Starting from the relationships between people, it ends up being a give-and-take between the citizen and the government.

Lie and truth – the two half-sisters who support each other even though they hate each other. And we poor human-like creatures are doomed to make awkward swings between Lie and Truth. With a desperate urge we throw ourselves into the arms of one, then the other three sisters. And some remain in the no man’s land between the two.

Others have chosen their own formula: when a truth doesn’t escape me, I just keep it quiet! But isn’t this a perfidious form of lying?

It is so: the light of truth often burns the hands of the bearer. And the people said it even more simply and clearly: the truth is eye-popping! Wow: if there are honest deputies, then half the parliament will be inhabited by Samuil’s warriors. This parliament of ours, this building charged with bad energy – they say there was a graveyard for criminals under it…And above it?

An honest politician – a white raven, Ivan the neighbor often says between two throws of the dice. The truth is sour, a lie is sweet, again he was ordering between two balls of cigarette smoke. Well, choose: sorrel or strawberry. Some spend their whole lives crammed with pasta.

In the transition, which turns out to be eternal for us – what is truth and what is a lie?

Live without lying…A beautiful call, but go ahead and do it?

Solzhenitsyn said it, he may be right, he knows the bitterness of the truth, but there’s no way he didn’t know the sweetness of a lie. The one that is like a child’s quinine pill, first rolled into a sweet so that the child can swallow it easily. Live without lying: beautiful, romantic, but hardly possible!

#sisters #lie #truth

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