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Two shootings in the United States: a supermarket in New York and in the Aventura Mall in Miami

The United States suffers a series of shootings again that put citizens in panic. This Saturday, May 8, two similar events were recorded, the first in New York when a woman and a child were injured during a shooting in a grocery store, while at least three injured resulted in a similar episode on the same day, in the popular shopping Aventura Mall de Miami.

On New York, in the supermecado Stop & Stop, from the community of West Hempstead, about 15 kilometers from the New York district of Queens, there was a shooting at the facility manager’s office.

According to local media, a man, apparently an employee of the place, shot the woman and the little boy, about five years old, and escaped, for what was intensely wanted. The woman and child were taken to a hospital in the area, local police reported.

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In the same afternoon, at least three people were injured during a confrontation in a Mall of the American city of Miami, in the state of Florida.

The event occurred on day before Mother’s Day in the United States in Adventure Mall, one of the most popular shopping in the touristic city.

In several images uploaded to social networks, bullfights and panic scenes were seen, but the local police had not reported what happened, according to the site of the newspaper of The Americas.

It is unofficially known that several visitors to the shopping center heard a burst of gunfire, prompting them to leave the place amid running and panic.

Sergeant Mestre, of the local Police, told the Argentine channel TN that the incident originated with a discussion between two group of people, at which point one of the contestants took a gun and fired a significant number of shots, before escaping the scene. The officer, who spoke in correct Spanish, explained that the reasons for the fight that led to the shooting are reasons for investigation.


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