Home » today » World » Two seniors foil ambush in La Florida: “I left and they started following me” | National

Two seniors foil ambush in La Florida: “I left and they started following me” | National

Two elderly people were victims of an ambush, but they managed to thwart it by fleeing from two vehicles that tried to steal the car they were in.in the commune of La Florida.

It is a Mercedes Benz that was chased for at least 5 blocks. But when it reached the area of ​​Avenida Perú with Perpetua Freire, the Mercedes Benz ended up colliding with another car that was passing by and due to the effect of the collision they ended up crashing into a tree.

As a result, the two elderly people were trapped when the airbags were activated, and they were treated by rescue teams that arrived at the scene.

Exclusively, the elderly man who was driving the high-end vehicle told Radio Bío Bío how the incident occurred.

“They tried to steal our car… I started the car and they started following me,” said the victim.

Ambush in La Florida

At the same time, he and his wife were treated by emergency teams, as was the driver of the car that was hit and who had nothing to do with the chase.

At the scene, neighbors confirmed having seen the gang of assailants, indicating that they arrived in a sedan and a pickup truck, where they were armed.

“The blow was very strong. They were chasing the old men in the Mercedes Benz… there were two cars, with guns, with weapons (…),” the woman said.

The incident was commented on by General Juan Muñoz, head of the Eastern Zone of Carabineros, who said that an investigation is underway to find the attackers.

“These are two elderly people who were travelling through the commune of La Florida. They were hit by two vehicles, the criminals threatened them and this led the driver of the vehicle to speed up and thus cause a traffic accident (…)”, said the police officer.

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