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Two projects will bring changes in New York schools: one would reduce the number of students in classrooms | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

don’t forget to check yourswhen you go to tank.adriana: what a help, help.two new lawsthe city schoolsnew York.Mariela Salgado tells uswhat were they and what challengesface the measures.Mariela: two billsin the state, a control ofthe city of schoolspublic and the other asks for thereduction of students in theclassrooms. we talked to the senatorby the state committee.they will give control to thecity ​​for 2 years, but withconditions?>> the mayor will continue to havecontrol over who is thechancellor, but you willimportant is that parentsthey will have a voice.the board of education willfive parents, one from eachcounty.there was also a father with aEnglish as a second language, andanother with a child who hasspecial needs.>> sounds great, especiallychild with special needs.why do they give to the cityonly 2 years and not four?>> because we believe that 2 years ofcontrol are sufficient.Mariela: the other proposal oflaw calls for the reduction ofclassroom size.how can you make itreduce class sizethrough places so overpopulated,like queens, there we havereported containers?>> we will do it in phases, in 5years.from kindergarten to third grade with20 students.from fourth to eighth with 23.25 for secondary.the state already gave him the moneyto the city, hopefullyacuen.Mariela: the city is going to havecontrol again of thepublic schools.regarding the reduction ofsize of the classroom, byof course that’s going to take yourweather.>> we can have halls untilwith 35 students.mariela: is the representative ofcan achieve.how feasible is this planto reduce from 35 to 20 children ina saon?>> have been identifieddifferent Catholic schoolsthat they have no students and thatcan be rented.mariela: schools station>> there it is. we are waitingthat the charter schools, thatThey are in a school buildingpublic, move into buildingsindependent.there are different ways thatyou can the next 5 yearscreate spaces.mariela>: tomorrow the legislaturevote on these proposalsley.

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