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Two people were shot on a train in the New York subway | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

positive on and positive oncoronavirus last 28November, the woman experiencesintomas moderated bymoment.Alejandro: The Big Appleis still the protagonist ofhomicides, he also getsvery important tips fromsecurity, let’s see.violet: 3 million peopletake it daily, one casesimilar like this you canpass anyone, at this timecops designate heelsto a suspect who did not tremblehand to shoot twomen, a man of 21 and another22 were shot, this in125 Lexington Street, SEexpect the victimssurvive the injuries. aSimilar dinner was also livednear tank square inmanhattan, the victim receiveda blow to the head and it wastransported to the hospital instretcher, listening to storieshow are the passengersthey react scared.>> worrying about the situation,this has gotten out of hand togovernment, this is very bad.reporter: the authoritymetropolitan transportencourages travelers and usersof the train to protect yourselfthemselves, offer tips such aswait in hours in theoíasdesignated, use thedriver who is in the middle oftrain, use entrances and exitscommon and crowded,New York cops and I know whatdoes what he can with whathas, they work hard toprotect passengers, without

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