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Two people were injured in a train accident near Lengler in the Göttingen district

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From: Stefan Rampfel, Bernd Schlegel

Train accident near Göttingen: near Lenglern (district of Göttingen), a district of Bovenden, a freight train locomotive rammed a wagon that was on the tracks. The car was totally damaged. © Stefan Ramffel

A train accident occurs near Lenglern in the Göttingen district. A freight train hits a car. Investigations into the cause are ongoing.

Update November 24, 2022, 1:30pm: After the accident with two injured people at a level crossing near Lenglern in the Göttingen district on Wednesday (November 23, 2022), the investigation into the cause of the accident continues. Initial police investigations indicate that the driver of the freight train – as prescribed here – had whistled before reaching the crossing.

Investigation into the cause of the train crash: Officials question residents

Officials have asked residents about exactly what after Wednesday’s crash, in which a car was hit. However, the investigation in this case is not over yet. The level crossing concerned is secured only with the St. Andrew’s cross. That’s why the drivers have to blow their whistle at this point. There had already been an accident there on New Year’s Eve 2013. At several other level crossings along the route, the railway has installed half barriers or traffic lights (red light) in recent years. Therefore, it should now also be discussed whether such an investment might also be necessary at this level crossing.

Slight traces: The freight train locomotive stopped only a few hundred meters after the collision.
Slight traces: The freight train locomotive stopped only a few hundred meters after the collision. © Stefan Ramffel

First report of 23 November 2022, 17:15: Lenglern – In a train crash near Lenglern (district Göttingen, Flecken Bovenden) two people were injured on Wednesday afternoon (November 23, 2022), including the train driver. The railway line from Göttingen to Ottbergen was therefore closed for several hours.

Two people were injured and taken to hospital. At around 13:00, a car and a freight train collided at an unrestricted single-track level crossing on Danziger Straße in Lenglern.

Two people injured in a train accident in the Göttingen district: a freight train hit a car

According to police, the driver of a food delivery service had probably overlooked the incoming train from Adelebsen. The locomotive hit the right rear of the car with full force, which was thrown several meters into the embankment.

There was also damage to the locomotive. The sliding door of the car was blown off, hung over the damper of the locomotive. The driver was lucky: passers-by rushed to help the injured woman, who managed to get out of the totally damaged car on her own.

The long freight train only stopped after several hundred metres. The engineer was also injured and suffered a shock. Both were transported to the hospital. At the scene were two ambulances and the Göttingen rescue helicopter Christoph 44, which brought an ambulance to the scene of the accident.

The volunteer fire brigades of Lenglern and Bovenden were also alarmed, as it was initially unclear whether there were any people trapped. The emergency services supported the rescue service and ensured fire protection.

Accident with freight train and car on the railway line from Göttingen to Paderborn

Police officers, representatives of the federal police and a railway emergency manager were also present at the scene. Among other things, a cable duct running along the railway line was damaged.

Cleaning work: Numerous rescuers quickly rushed to the scene of the accident.  Two people were injured in the collision.
Cleaning work: Numerous rescuers quickly rushed to the scene of the accident. Two people were injured in the collision. © Stefan Ramffel

Normally the trains of the Nordwestbahn from Göttingen to Paderborn run on the railway line. In the area where the accident occurred, the speed is usually 60 km/h. Police officers at the scene were unable to tell how fast the freight train was travelling.

It was also initially unclear whether the driver honked as required prior to the transition. This is mandatory at all level crossings without restrictions. There was a similar accident at the level crossing near Lengler on December 31, 2013. At that moment, a car was hit by a passenger train. (years)

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