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Two people were found with serious injuries in the center of Oslo – Greater Oslo

In Greenland, a man in his 20s was found with injuries at about 2:30 am. Police said he was seriously injured.

About half an hour later, the police reported that they had found one more seriously injured person in the center of Oslo.

– There may be a connection between the events, although we cannot say that with one hundred percent certainty, says operations manager Alexander Østerhaug to NRK.

The other injured person was found in Storgata.

– That person also has injuries that were consistent with using a sharp object, says Østerhaug. Both were taken to hospital.

Police are working with several hypotheses, and say it is too early to say if there is any relationship between the injured. Both men are in their 20s, and are previously known to the police.

The police tell NTB that there is no information that says that these events happened by chance.

Looking for more people

The man who was found injured in Greenland was conscious when police arrived at the scene. They are unsure if there was one perpetrator or more.

– Yes, it’s a bit of both. We have some witnesses who explain that there may have been more than one person, says operations manager Østerhaug.

It is not clear at this time what type of object was used to injure the men.

Investigating further

– We will collect information from witnesses and video surveillance. The latter naturally takes some time, says Østerhaug.

The police are still investigating those people who are mentioned in the area. But they don’t know exactly who they are looking for.

– We don’t know 100 percent, no. It’s just clothes, sex and body, says the police operations manager.

26.08.2024, kl. 03.37

26.08.2024, kl. 04.26

2024-08-26 01:37:23

#people #injuries #center #Oslo #Greater #Oslo

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