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Two people in the UK have new coronavirus Abroad

The two patients are members of the same family. They receive specialist medical assistance. It is not disclosed whether these people have recently been to China. Tests are being conducted to see if more people are infected with the lung virus.

On Friday, 83 Britons return from Wuhan, where the virus broke out. The plane also has nineteen Spaniards, a Pole, a Chinese, four Danes and a Norwegian.

The virus was previously detected in, among others, the US, Germany, France and Finland. Several people were infected in the first three countries. Yet it concerns individual cases that have traveled to China and, sometimes, have ignited a partner or child.

More infections, fewer deaths than SARS

In terms of infections, the new corona virus is now SARS over. That disease was much more deadly. More than 9770 people worldwide have the virus, more than 9600 of the cases have been diagnosed in China. At least 213 people have died from the new corona virus. At SARS there were more than seven hundred victims.

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