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Two Peaks of Meteor Showers Decorate the Sky at the End of This Month : Okezone techno

JAKARTA– Phenomenon meteor Rain will return to the earth at the end of this month. In fact, there will be two peaks of meteor showers that can be seen since July 28, 2021.

“This July, there are two meteor Rain The ones that are still active are Alfa Capricornid and Delta Aquarid,” said researcher at the Center for Science and Space at the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) Andi Pangerang in his statement, in Jakarta, as quoted on Friday (16/7/2021).

According to Andi, the public can witness the peak of the meteor shower on July 28 at 19.45 WIB/WITA/WIT from the East-Southeast to July 29 at 05.30 WIB/WITA/WIT from the West-Southwest direction.

The Alpha Capricornid meteor shower is named after the radian point or the starting point of the meteor shower which is located in the star Alfa Capricorni (Algedi) in the constellation Capricornus. The Alpha Capricornid meteor shower has been active since July 3 and ends on August 15. The Alpha Capricornid meteor shower is formed from the dust remnants of comet 169P/NEAT.


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Meanwhile, the Delta Aquarid meteor shower is named after the radian point located in the star Delta Aquarii (Skat) in the constellation Aquarius. The Delta Aquarid meteor shower is thought to have formed from the dust remnants of comet 96P/Machholz. Delta Aquariid is active from July 12 to August 23 and is best seen before astronomical dawn around 03.00 to 04.00 WIB / WITA / WIT.

The maximum intensity of the Delta Aquarid meteor shower for Indonesia is around 14-15 meteors/hour with a speed of 147,600 km/hour.

Meanwhile, the maximum intensity of the Alfa Capricornid meteor shower is smaller than the Delta Aquarid, which is only five meteors/hour. In addition, the Capricornid comet’s speed is slower than the Delta Aquarid, which is 86,400 km/hour.

Andi said the public could see the phenomenon without any optical aids, with clear weather conditions without any obstacles around the field of view.

“It takes patience to wait for these two meteor showers given the relatively low intensity,” he said.

Andi said residents can capture it using a DSLR or cellphone camera as long as it supports long exposure mode.

“Meteor showers are optimally observed before midnight when the Moon is still entering the Early Crescent phase and after the night when the Moon has entered the Late Crescent phase,” he said.

In addition, the length of shooting time will affect the quality of the images obtained. Andi said the moonlight could interfere with the observations of the two meteor showers. Therefore, residents cannot witness or capture the two meteor showers when the intensity is optimally maximum because at the peak of the meteor shower it is still entering the Reducing Moon phase.

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