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Two out of five Dutch people want a total ban on smoking

If it is up to 38 percent of the Dutch, the sale and production of tobacco products should be banned. This is shown by representative research among more than 3,400 Dutch people of the Heart of the Netherlandspanel. Smokers are also in favor of such a ban: 1 in 6 thinks that their own pleasure should not be allowed.

In these first days of ‘Stoptober’, director René Medema of the Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Hospital in Amsterdam called for a much stricter anti-smoking policy. “According to Statistics Netherlands, the counter stands at about 10,000 people who unfortunately died from corona. That is of course terrible, ”he says. “But let’s also be aware that for cancer there are 20,000 this year, and that will be again next year and maybe even more.”

Measures against smoking

Since Thursday, cigarettes are only sold in dark green brown packs that are not very tempting. This is a measure from the Prevention Agreement to discourage smoking. This step does not go far enough, director Medema of the hospital specialized in cancer. He believes that cigarettes should become much more expensive.

Also read: Smoking at stations is also prohibited from now on, the last smoke pole ends in the Spoorwegmuseum

Tobacco products should also be much less readily available in his opinion. “Lidl has said they will no longer sell it, and I hope other supermarkets will follow suit. If you pretend to be sustainable and want the best for your customers by selling healthy products, please take the tobacco off the shelves. ”

‘Become punishable’

For panelists who want to quit smoking, the health reasons are also the most important. “People who smoke don’t know how much they terrorize others with this,” someone responds. “I am a lung patient, I would like to have healthy lungs. People who smoke make themselves sick, but so do their environment. Actually this should be punishable. ”

Yet most people, 56 percent of those surveyed, are against a sales ban. The feeling of freedom to make choices and the difficulties in enforcing this are the main counter arguments.

In addition, many people point to alcohol, which also has negative effects on health. “Just do something about alcohol and drugs, you will never hear anything about it,” says an opponent. “Cigarettes are becoming more and more expensive, but you can buy a crate of beer for 9 euros, ridiculous.”

It Heart of the Netherlandspanel currently consists of 35,000 members. Part of the panel is invited for each survey. This is done on the basis of the characteristics of the participants, such as political preference, gender, place of residence, age. All surveys are conducted under the guidance of pollster Maurice de Hond.

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