Home » today » World » Two of the most interesting zombie books of the last decades are the basis of this spectacular film by Brad Pitt. Today on TV, World War Z

Two of the most interesting zombie books of the last decades are the basis of this spectacular film by Brad Pitt. Today on TV, World War Z

Two of the most interesting books about zombies that I have been lucky enough to read over the last few decades were the seed of a spectacular film starring Brad Pitt that failed to convey the intelligent approach of the original material. It might sound like a criticism from a fan of the zombie genre, but it is not far from the truth. And when we talk about films that adapt books, the conversation usually revolves around the inevitable comparisons, the necessary concessions and artistic interpretationsAnd I have to admit that these are two difficult books to adapt.

It could happen, are you ready?

However, in the case of World War Z (which also had its own video game), this discussion is very important. Because the two books that inspired this film are not just good works of zombie literature, but are fundamental to understanding the modern evolution of the genre. I am talking, of course, about Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z, both written by Max Brooks.

Brooks offers an exhaustive compendium of strategies and tactics for surviving a zombie apocalypse

Max Brooks, son of legendary filmmaker Mel Brooks, has made a name for himself in the literary world thanks to his meticulous, almost documentary-like approach to the zombie genre. Zombie Survival Guide (2003) was his first foray into this world, a book that, under the the appearance of a practical manual of those used by preppersbecame a must-read for any lover of the genre. Through its pages, Brooks offers an exhaustive compendium of strategies and tactics to survive a zombie apocalypse. Although it can also help you survive, in general, if things get tough. very sickWhat could have remained a joke, turns out to be a cult work thanks to its serious and realistic tone, which invites the reader to take the threat of the living dead very seriously.

On the other hand, World War Z (2006) is a masterpiece that expands the universe created in his previous work. This book narrates, in the form of a collection of interviews, The story of a global zombie pandemic that nearly wiped out humanityThe interesting thing about World War Z is its focus on the Sociopolitical, economic and cultural consequences of a zombie apocalypserather than the direct action we might expect from a work of this kind. Brooks manages with this work not only to create an engaging narrative, but also to offer a profound reflection on human nature, resilience and fear.

From page to screen

When Hollywood first set its sights on World War Z, the idea of ​​adapting such a complex and extensive book seemed, at first glance, a monumental task. The original work It doesn’t lend itself easily to a linear narrative, much less an action movie. in the style of major productions. However, the adaptation of World War Z, directed by Marc Forster and starring Brad Pittwas released in 2013, generating great expectations. With a considerable budget and an interesting cast, the film promised to be one of the cinematic events of the year. But when fans of the original work sat down to watch the film, the surprise was not long in coming: The movie World War Z had little to do with the book that inspired it.

Instead of a collection of interlocking stories exploring the global response to a zombie crisis, The film chose to focus on a single character, Gerry Lane. (played by Brad Pitt), a former UN investigator who travels the world looking for a way to stop the pandemic. Although the film includes some of the elements of Brooks’ books, its focus is clearly oriented towards action and suspense, rather than sociopolitical exploration.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. The World War Z movie managed to capture the attention of viewers, especially thanks to its special effects, and became a box office hit, grossing over $540 million worldwide. Critics were generally positive, noting the fast-paced and impressive action scenes. But for those of us who knew and loved the books, the film adaptation was, in many ways, a disappointment. It’s impossible not to remember here, too, I am legenda literary reference of the vampire genre written by Richard Matheson which ended up being a Will Smith movie that betrayed all its original essence.

Despite the differences between the book and the film, the success of World War Z on the big screen has helped cementing Max Brooks as one of the most important figures in modern zombie literatureHis meticulous approach and ability to blend horror with profound social commentary have made his works studied and admired by genre aficionados and scholars alike.

* Some prices may have changed since the last review

For those who have not yet had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of World War Z, both the book and the film offer unique experiences. The book is a A must read for anyone interested in the zombie genre.while the film, while different, is an example of how a story can be adapted and reinterpreted for a mass audience. If after all this you’re curious to see how Max Brooks’ work was brought to the big screen, today is your perfect opportunity. World War Z airs tonight from 10:50 p.m. on Cuatro.

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