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Two new ones for the next season of Autist, coming of age

At the start of the year, we were pleased to learn thata second season on the daily Maelle, Mathis, Benjamin, Eliott, Raphaël, Malika and Laurent, the seven endearing young autistic people discovered in the docu-series Autistic, coming of age, would be produced. It is therefore next September 23 on the airwaves of the specialized channel ME AND CIE that we can find them surrounded by their families, including those of Charles Lafortune and Mathieu Graton, to follow them in new challenges since they have all since become adults.

This new reality is therefore represented in the new title of the popular show, Autistic, now major.

Although we already knew that new faces would be added to this sequel, we now know their number. Indeed, two older autistic people will join the group to certainly put into perspective the new challenges and learning that the seven young adults with autism will face.

Questions like ” what actually happens at these more advanced stages of life? », « where do they live ? “And” how do aging parents take care of them? Will be at the heart of this second season of eight thirty-minute episodes which may be as captivating and moving as the first.

Autistic, now major will be broadcast from September 23 at 7:30 p.m. on MOI ET CIE.

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